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Identical Twins Paint Stills From Kim K's Sex Tape Because Apparently That's Art Now

Identical Twins Paint Stills From Kim K's Sex Tape Because Apparently That's Art Now

The sexploitation of sex tapes.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

Featured image credit: Instagram/the_kaplan_twins

Just when you think you're at the point where nothing on the Internet surprises you anymore, you find yourself face-to-face with drawings taken from Kim K's sex tape with Ray J.

Twin sisters Allie and Lexie Kaplan, 23, who are based in Los Angeles, have made a new art exhibition called 'Make Me Famous'. The idea behind it is that it represents 'a cycle of exploitation'.


Because it's art, that's why.

Speaking to Elite Daily, Allie said: "It was my idea, I just said to [my sister], I'm like what if we just painted a series of Kim Kardashian's sex tape? I think that would be so funny."

Lexie added: "People should not be taking it seriously - we're not out to like offend anyone...

"So just like these iconic controversial moments where celebrities are kind of like exploiting themselves."

In the exhibition, they feature paintings based on Paris Hilton's black and white sex tape from back in the day as well as paintings of themselves. Explaining, they said: "So we have one of like our boobs; yeah we're standing next to each other with our boobs.

"Then we have one of us with chocolate smeared all over our butts and strawberries up our butts."

Who took the picture of the strawberries and chocolate up their bums? Their mum. Personally, I can't think of anything worse. But this is art, people.

Turns out I know very little about art. But I know what I like. To be fair, this is actually good stuff and it's topical so... fair play to them.

Plus, they managed to sell one of their pieces to PornHub (yes, of Kim), so they're the ones laughing all the way to the bank.

Words by Mel Ramsay

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Topics: Kim Kardashian, Art, Sex Tape