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Iran To Ban US Citizens After President Donald Trump's Immigration Order

Iran To Ban US Citizens After President Donald Trump's Immigration Order

It's gettin' weeeeeird.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

In response to President Donald Trump's order to ban people from 'dangerous countries', Iran is going to ban US citizens from entry.

Trump signed the order temporarily banning immigration from Muslim countries deemed a 'threat to national security', which included Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia.

An Iranian Foreign Ministry statement has now confirmed that they will ban US citizens for as long as Trump's order remains in place, reports CNN.

The statement read: "The US decision to restrict travel for Muslims to the US, even if for a temporary period of three months, is an obvious insult to the Islamic world and in particular to the great nation of Iran.

"Despite the claims of combating terrorism and keeping American people safe, it will be recorded in history as a big gift to extremists and their supporters."

Trump is also cracking down on 'sanctuary cities' who currently refuse to prosecute undocumented immigrants. Examples of which are New York, New Jersey and Washington.

Understandably, the news of the ban has rattled quite a few Twitter users.

Source: CNN

Featured Image Credit: PA Images

Topics: Iran, Donald Trump, US