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Katie Hopkins Finally Responds To Her Prompt Sacking From LBC

Katie Hopkins Finally Responds To Her Prompt Sacking From LBC

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Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

News broke this morning that Katie Hopkins has been fired from her position at LBC Radio.

She hosted a phone-in every Sunday which was very popular, albeit controversial. Hopkins? Controversial? Never.

The public was split firmly down the middle. Just take a look at your newsfeed. You either sit firmly in the 'good riddance, she's a vile, hate-spewing rent-a-gob' camp, or you think 'free speech is important in a democracy, and I agree with a lot of what she says'.

Well, make no mistake that her ex-colleagues sit in the former. After they found out about her sacking, they reportedly broke out into 'massive cheers and applause'.

They allegedly received an email outlining the news and, according to Amol Rajan, BBC's media editor, they were 'delighted' - hence the celebrations.

The parting of the ways came after Hopkins Tweeted this after the Manchester attack.

She wrote: "22 dead - number rising. Schofield. Don't you even dare. Do not be part of the problem. We need a final solution. #Machester."

She promptly deleted the initial Tweet, replacing 'final' with 'true' and also changed the spelling of 'Machester' to the correct 'Manchester'.

Many were quick to criticise her comments, with some even saying that it was hinting at 'ethnic cleansing' or a modern-day Holocaust.

Back in January 1942, at the Wansee Conference which was attended by many Nazi members, a decision was taken for a 'Final Solution to the Jewish question'.

Karen Pollock, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, told Jewish News: "Katie Hopkins' comment on Twitter yesterday about 'a final solution' - a clear invoking of Holocaust language - was hugely offensive. This really is a new low, particularly at such a fragile time."

After the criticism, Hopkins implied that she'd only deleted the Tweet because of the misspelling of the city's name. She said: "I stand by my tweet. I find the typo disrespectful to the survivors of Manchester."

Well, Katie's only gone and sub-Tweeted the whole LBC team with a typically shit Tweet.

When life gives you lemons, maybe you should write a 2,000 word opinion piece on how you didn't want the lemons and did life not know that you're ALLERGIC?! Life is trying to kill you, and it probably wants your job as well.

Well anyway, I imagine the end of month drinks at LBC will be particularly fun this evening.

Featured Image Credit: PA Images

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