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An American Blacksmith May Have Just Smashed One Of The Biggest 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

An American Blacksmith May Have Just Smashed One Of The Biggest 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Can't argue with that.

Hamish Kilburn

Hamish Kilburn

Many will never accept that the terror attacks on 9/11 were completely at the hands of Al Qaeda. Tens of thousands of people across the globe have shared their opinions that they believe the attacks were an 'inside job' by the US Government.

One of the main pieces of 'evidence' that people are using in their argument is that the steel superstructure of the Twin Towers could not have possibly melted by burning jet fuel.

Having had just about enough of the rumours, but not denying that the attacks were not an inside job, one blacksmith in America hopes to have silenced this particular piece of evidence.

In his expert opinion, he claims that the melting steel theory is 'moronic' and has had enough.

Trenton Tye, from Georgia, dedicated the time to debunk the theory about the World Trade Center. He did this by releasing a video of his experiment of burning a steel structure rod at the similar temperature that jet fuel burns.

He's pretty pissed off. He is not pissed off about the fact that people think the attacks were set up, but more at the lack of knowledge people have on burning metal. Brilliant.

In the demonstration, he puts the half-inch think A36 structural steel in a 250lb anvil. With his patronising and hilarious tone, he proves that burning the rod at a temperature of 800 degrees does in fact cause structural damage to the steel. With his little finger, he manages to bend the rod and in his own words, "check it out, it's a frickin' noodle."

Video credit: YouTube/purgatoryironworks

Ultimately proving that the argument that thousands of people feel so strongly about, is actually invalid. A steel structure will lose its rigid form after being cooked in jet fuel. Thanks for clearing that one up for us.

Featured image credit: YouTube/purgatoryironworks

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Topics: 9/11