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Guy Punched By Justin Bieber Could Potentially Sue The Singer

Guy Punched By Justin Bieber Could Potentially Sue The Singer

Is it too late now to say sorry?

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Justin Bieber literally cannot help himself with anything these days.

Last month, having travelled to the UK to perform for his adoring fans, some people were upset with how he didn't agree with the audience cheering and screaming. Now, the singer has landed himself in a 'Sorry' situation after punching a fan who touched him through the window of a car.

The Spanish 'victim' was clearly excited to see the Canadian, and so reached out to grab a feel. But Justin reacted by throwing a punch from the comfort of the vehicle.

The fan was left in shock, presumably because the power the singer packed in his punch was more than a stray pigeon feather blowing in the wind.

It has since emerged that the unnamed recipient of the jab, who was waiting outside the Catalan capital's, Palau Sant Jordi, could potentially sue Biebs.

"What's occurred here is what would be considered a misdemeanour rather than a crime," a spokesman for the Mossos d'Esquadra, which is the Catalan police, said. "This is an incident that occurred between two people and the person who received the punch or push will have to make a formal complaint if he wants to take the matter any further.

"If he registers a complaint with police, we will simply pass that on to the relevant court so they can decide whether to take further action."

Coming away with a bloodied lip, it remains to be seen whether he tries to rinse him for a shed-load of money.

Image Credit: PA

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