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Lad Fell Asleep On Bus And No-one Thought To Tell Him

Lad Fell Asleep On Bus And No-one Thought To Tell Him

“Don’t sleep on your bus.”

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

For those of you who find it really easy to fall asleep on public transport, this story is your worst nightmare.

However, the ability to drift in and out of sleep on trains is like a superpower. You can pretty much skip forward in time. I know this because once I got a train from London to Manchester and my phone had died. Yeah, no music. Can you imagine?! I just closed my eyes and drifted off into the blissful abyss of unconsciousness.

17-year-old Isaac Maciel Rodriguez, a senior at John Jay High School in San Antonio, fell asleep on his bus to school and work up in the arse-end of nowhere.

Credit: AiD_isaac

The young lad spoke to Buzzfeed about the incident, explaining that his friend, Monica usually wakes him up. However, Monica apparently didn't even realise he was still on the bus. Pull the other one, Monica. You knew exactly what you were doing. And I respect you for it.

His Tweet went viral AF with many people wondering how the hell this could possibly ever happen.

But what happened in the end? Well, apparently he managed to find the bus driver who was about to clock out

Was it all a plan to get Twitter famous? We'll never know. Funny though.

Featured image credit: @AiD_isaac/Twitter

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Topics: Viral, Funny, Sleep, Twitter