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Girl Pranks Boyfriend By Pretending To Sleep With His Brother

Girl Pranks Boyfriend By Pretending To Sleep With His Brother


Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

All across the internet you'll find endless amounts of prank videos.

These days it's pretty much a given that at some point a lad is going to do something horrific to his girlfriend in an attempt to rack up those likes.

However, they should never rule out their better half getting them back with an even better prank.

This lad, Brad Holmes, recently filmed a video where he cut his girlfriend's hair while she slept and it understandably left her fuming.

Brad's girlfriend decided that she'd bide her time and wait for the right moment to get her own back.

Whilst he was at work she got his brother round and they got in bed together.

Brad got home from work, and well, he lost his shit.

He's been had off here. Well played.

Featured image credit: Brad Holmes via Facebook

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Topics: Prank, Boyfriend, Girlfriend