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Disney 'Cards Against Humanity' Are About To Be Released

Disney 'Cards Against Humanity' Are About To Be Released

'A game for horrible people.'



Cards Against Humanity quickly became our go-to game at any event. Pre-drinks, birthdays, Christmas, you name it, it was probably played. But just when you thought the dirty-minded game couldn't possibly get any better (or more brutal) rumours have started that a Disney-themed set is about to be released.


A post was uploaded to their Facebook page which detailed the Disney themed cards. The post was quickly deleted, but fans of the game managed to screenshot the post beforehand and upload it online giving us a bit of a sneak preview of it.

Credit: Cards Against Humanity/Instagram/Chezrep__ww

Credit: Cards Against Humanity/Instagram/Chezrep__ww

While a Disney-themed set sounds all lovely and will release all kinds of childhood nostalgia, we're pretty sure you still won't want to play it with your Gran. Cards Against Humanity is described as 'a party game for horrible people'. It's probably why we like it so much then.


One of the possibilities on the Disney-themed cards reads:"For a time, Ariel thought _____ was for _____." Another card says: "Thanks to Disney, I have unrealistic expectations about _____." You can probably start dreaming them up in your head.

On the other cards, options read: "Jayne and Tarzan's wild jungle sex adventures," and "Quasimodo's private time with his bells."

It's almost making us feel sorry for our childhood idols. Happy memories will be replaced and, should you ever have kids, it's unlikely that you'll be able to watch the films in the same way.

How are you going to explain your reasons for laughing at Finding Nemo when a couple of years back you scoffed at 'Me, Tarzan. You... Dory the lesbian fish'?

To play the game in each round, one player asks a question from a black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card. Simple, but the possibilities look endless, hilarious, brutal, crass, and down-right rude.

Maybe it's the start of a whole 'Disney after dark' series?

Words: Rachel Andrews

Featured Image Credit: Disney/Target

Topics: Disney