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Aldi And Lidl Went At It On Twitter In One Of The Best Debates Ever

Aldi And Lidl Went At It On Twitter In One Of The Best Debates Ever

Which is better?

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Forget The Rumble in the Jungle. Forget who'd win out of Tyson and Ali. Forget The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. In fact, forget McGregor vs Mayweather.

The fight of the century happened right in front of our eyes, and we didn't have to pay an absurd fee to see it.

*Wrestling promo voice*: Two titans of the shopping world. Two Spartans of the bargains. Two colossuses of the cheap foreign lager game. Two competitors... Two rivals...

BOOM! Limp Bizkit or some other below-average, early-2000s American rock band plays, Lidl steams in with a frozen pizza, whacking Aldi over the head. It's all fucking great, and then everyone heads to the afterparty for ready meals and Galahad Export, which conveniently comes to a very tidy price, affordable for all.

Ok, so technically none of this happened, but both companies really did have a friendly back-and-forth on Twitter, trying to decide who was best.

Both have their perks, but ultimately everyone prefers one or the other. A big bonus for both is that their names both fit in well with many songs.

For example, has anyone ever been to Lidl without changing the lyrics of a certain Oasis hit to Lidl by Lidl? No, probably not.

I'm equally sure everyone alters the Friends soundtrack to "Aldi there for you, when the prices start to fall," when making their way through the car park.

But anyway, all that aside, someone posed the question to Twitter and both supermarkets got involved.

MonsterShop probably thought they'd won the banter-off with a tastefully-chosen nod to some of the 'higher end' supermarkets, only for Aldi to bat them away with ease:

And then, just when no one was expecting it, Marks & Spencer got involved:

So what have we learned? Absolutely fuck all, but it's good fun, isn't it.

It's about time Richard Osman hosted the Supermarket World Cup on Twitter, to be honest. There's a high chance these two competitors will be in the final.

Where else can you go for a loaf of bread and come out with a shoe polishing kit, a bottle of champagne, four cans of lager, a full chicken and a bag of popcorn for less than a tenner?

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: Aldi, lidl

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