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This Man Claims To Have Invented The Oreo Creme Egg Before Cadbury’s

This Man Claims To Have Invented The Oreo Creme Egg Before Cadbury’s

It's just the postmodern world we live in, pal.



Nick Allam claims that Cadbury's nicked his Oreo Creme Egg idea and he actually tweeted them the idea.

The chocolate company hit the headlines a few days ago when it brought it out and it went down a storm in The States. People were very eggited to say the least.

But our man Nick reckons he came up with the idea.

Here is the tweet in question...

He wants recognition for his contribution to the creation of the Oreo Creme Egg two years ago during his self-confessed "confectionery experiment" stage. It was just another lunchtime for the communications officer in Weston-Super-Mare when he crushed an Oreo and shoved it into a Creme Egg. Pleased with his work, he tweeted a picture to Cadbury's and told them to start manufacturing.

Probably Nick's expression when Cadbury's didn't get back to him. Credit: Nick Allam/Twitter

Nick, from Weston-super-Mare, told the Bristol Post: "I first saw the Oreo Egg on social media on Thursday I think.

"I was a little surprised to be honest and then a little disappointed because there was no recognition.

"I'm going to put it out there and say I did invent it, so yes, Cadbury have stolen my idea. I re-tweeted them my original tweet, which I sent in 2015, but so far I haven't heard anything back."

Nick isn't a one-trick pony; Oreo Creme Egg isn't the only confectionery he has invented - he has an uncanny knack of knowing exactly which two chocolates would go well together. "The thought behind it was, if you love two things separately, why not put them together?" he said.

"I tried out a mint Aero and a Cadbury Caramel combination by smashing one on top of the other, which was nice - also a mint Aero and a Mars Bar.

"After I invented the Oreo Crème Egg, I bought a box of regular Crème Eggs and a packet of Oreos and gave them to people in the office, and most people seemed to like them."

Nick hasn't tried the new Oreo Crème Egg yet, but he is pretty sure that it pale in comparison to the one he made two years ago.

Update: We can confirm Nick has eaten one of the Oreo eggs thanks to a video he posted on his Twitter this afternoon.

Says 'it's gone way too far' and describes the media attention as 'absolutely mental.'


Words Laura Hamilton

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: Cadbury