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Mum Raising Cash For Son's Bucket List Before He Can't Move Anymore

Mum Raising Cash For Son's Bucket List Before He Can't Move Anymore

Tragic story.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

A mother is racing against the clock to raise funds for her son's bucket list before he can't move anymore.

Charlene Hartshorne is hoping to make 'a lifetime of memories' for her five-year-old son, Toby.

He suffers from a rare condition called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This basically means that his body doesn't produce a natural toxin in the body called dystrophin. This repairs muscles. Sadly, his muscle cells don't repair and eventually they will turn to scar tissue.

This is going to happen to every muscle in his body, including his lungs and heart. The sad fact is that eventually this condition will kill him. The only organ that it doesn't affect is his brain, so he will be completely aware that he is slowly becoming paralysed.

Credit: GoFundMe

Charlene is hoping to give him as many memories as she can before it takes over and these opportunities are taken away from him. For example, he hopes to visit Disneyland, Legoland, go on a helicopter ride and spend a day at a racetrack.

According to the Mirror, the condition mainly affects boys and he'll be lucky to live to the age of 25.

Charlene said: "We can sit down and look back at what he has achieved in all those years before his muscles stopped working. It will help in those dark moments. Toby doesn't know the full extent of his illness because he's only five. He's too young, he wouldn't understand."

She added that she wished she could freeze time to keep him at the age he is now: "You have to watch your child slowly getting weaker and weaker. It's heartbreaking."

So come on, lads and lasses. Donate some cash to his cause. You can find his page here.

Featured image credit: GoFundMe

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