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Hitting The Snooze Button Means You’re A Smarter Person

Hitting The Snooze Button Means You’re A Smarter Person




I knew it! I knew that waking up to your alarm clock beeping at you and hitting the snooze button didn't mean I was lazy. It means I'm smart AF and also creative. Booya.

A new study shows that listening to our body's needs instead of the strict schedules foisted on us means we are more intuitive and therefore probably more creative.

How I feel right now.

Or maybe that I stayed up too late on Netflix. Either or.

When you're smarter than everyone else...

There are lot's of unusual signs that you're smart. Being a night owl also means that you're a smart person. Apparently people who stay up later have higher IQs. It's not just through preferring to be up at night, it's that being on the Internet, working late at night and doing projects increases your smartness while other people are asleep.

Quiet doesn't mean dull. There's hundreds of studies about how stereotypes of quiet people mean they're stupid, but a lot of the time they're actually thinking. And people who think a lot tend to be clever - once they've assessed the situation they'll come up with something brilliant and creative that will blow your socks off.

Being self-critical is also a sign of intelligence. People who talk themselves up and tell you they're smart aren't necessarily as clever as they think they are. Those who are more self-critical know themselves better and work on their faults until they get better at them - and therefore get smarter.

People who read the news and like to stay informed are smarter than those who don't. A bit obvious, but it's worth saying that curiosity is a sign of intelligence.

Asking the right questions make you smart. People who like to ask questions but listen more than they ask are super intelligent.

Not thinking you're smart is actually a sign of intelligence! Yes that's right, it's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Basically, people who have low levels of competence think they're amazing because they don't know they're any better. But people who are good at their jobs are aware of how much they know they can improve, so they tend not to be satisfied with their level of smarts or competence.

And there you have it.

Words Laura Hamilton

Featured Image Credit: PA