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'Mad Max: Fury Road' Even Without CGI Looks Absolutely Fucking Incredible

'Mad Max: Fury Road' Even Without CGI Looks Absolutely Fucking Incredible

Fair play to all of the stuntmen and women involved in this.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

If you saw Mad Max: Fury Road, you'll already have your own strong opinions. It's a film that split people into two camps: those who hated it and those who absolutely fucking loved it.

Whatever you think, you have to agree that the direction, the imagery and generally just the way it looked, was awe-inspiring.

It looked SICK.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that the majority of it was done via greenscreen, with actors simply hopping around in a studio somewhere so that the real magic could happen afterwards. However, that isn't the case. When they filmed this masterpiece, they ensured that they went ALL OUT.

This video that was uploaded to ESPORTS TV and has already racked up over 700,000 views.

Watching that video really puts it into perspective of how much work went into the production of this movie.

No wonder it won six Oscars as well as another 207 award wins and 189 nominations.

What do you think? Did you love the movie or think it was absolutely terrible? Let us know in the comments below.

*Editor's Note: Reading Mel's article here. What the fuck!? Surely everyone loved Mad Max?? It was awesome.

Featured image credit: ESPORTS TV/YouTube

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